LINKEDIN economic graph experience
“LinkedIn wanted to create a human-centric approach to data storytelling in the Executive Briefing Center at its global headquarters in Sunnyvale, CA.
We were asked to visualize LinkedIn data insights generated through its platform’s deep understanding of the core pillars of the world’s economy.
Guests explore key industries and geographical regions for the world’s 50 largest companies. A simple interactive twist reveals the behavior and trends surrounding the global talent ecosystem.” - HUSH
Release Year: 2019
Install Location: LinkedIn HQ, Sunnyvale, California
Project Type: Experiential, Immersive, Real-Time Visuals and Audio, Interactive, Data Visualization, Project Mapping, Touch Display, Permanent Installation
Production Company: HUSH
Creative Director: KINDA AKASH
Executive Producer: KRISTEN KOELLER
Senior Experiential Producer: LAUREN BICKERS
Technical Director: JUSTIN MARTIN
Systems Designer: ADAM KRUCKENBERG
Software Developer: BLAKE RUTLEDGE